New subscriptions are closed. Thanks for being awesome!

Need a last minute gift for Christmas 2017?

Need a last minute gift for Christmas 2017?

Last minute orders will receive a gift certificate by email to print & wrap for the big day!

Did you miss someone on your list?

Maybe you just learned you'll have one extra guest coming for Christmas dinner, or you couldn’t find the perfect gift for Mom yet? A work colleague needs an awesome gift, or you just learned your nephew happens to love love love cake?

You are in luck! We are accepting subscription orders through NOON PST December 24th. All Christmas cake subscriptions will receive a gift certificate announcing the subscription for you to print, wrap and put under the tree!

A cupcake subscription is a perfect gift for your: mom, auntie, sister, brother, best friend, nephew, etc...

This isn't a surprise ... but seriously … everyone loves receiving a box of cake on their doorstep!

What do you get with a cake-of-the-month subscription?

Each month of your cupcake subscription will include a six-pack of gourmet cupcakes in an exclusive flavor. Some flavors from the past included a tiramisu-inspired cake last January, a cherry blossom cake with green tea marshmallow last March, and chocolate whoopie pies last September.

Our cakes aren't your average princess cupcakes! These are made with the world's finest ingredients—small batch, artisan cakes with exotic flavors, topped with our signature marshmallow finished with a dip in chocolate.

Definitely, the most delicious subscription box around.

Subscribe to our cake-of-the-month club here

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